Big data is the name of the game today. Considering that we now live in the digital age, almost virtually all data is now available on the web for our ease and convenience. The number of data circulating online and even offline is growing by the second that it makes perfect sense to talk about big data now. Imagine the number of people using the web these days. From social media to businesses and organizations that have taken this new platform to reach the public, just imagine the unstoppable rise of big data as more processes have become computerized. Since the data we now use is far too many for our limited human capabilities, machines take charge of dealing with big data and understanding what all these data mean. They don’t mean anything if we can’t decipher its practical application. The Internet of Things has a lot to do with why big data kept on growing bigger and bigger. Various tech devices that hold certain data about their use now easily connect to the web, which is in a way geared toward machine learning, the future of the human race. It means the devices that we have are capable of generating and understanding data without the help of humans. Big data isn’t out there to be left as it is but for us to make something out of it in the hopes of speeding up and improving processes and services and in predicting future trends whether in business, healthcare, etc.
(Via: The role and use of big data are so prevalent in today’s world. Even in your use of social media, you’d see how popular search engines and social networking sites make use of big data in organizing everything and in the posting of advertisements depending on specific user behaviors and clicking patterns. And as such, big data is housed in big servers that are capable of safely storing it and pulling it out in short notice for analysis and use.
(Via: The most important factor for big data to be useful and relevant in our modern times, the structure must be high up on its list or else we have no use for haphazardly stored data that we don’t have much use of after. Now that big data comes from virtually everywhere in the globe, it is a must for these large chunks of data to be stored in servers that can shed light to what this information and numbers actually mean. Variety, velocity, and data volume are three things that are crucial to big data as this information are often produced in large volumes at different speeds using a variety of formats. With trillions of data produced each second, it is a must that everything must be streamlined so we can easily transition to machine learning someday, the ultimate goal in the tech world. When data is already up there in the clouds or stored in big servers, you may no longer have to worry about common data storage and loss issues that the common people face on a regular basis. Meanwhile, smaller privately-owned servers can experience technical glitches regarding data use. Understanding and may come in helpful and help you overcome data recovery problems without spending a fortune. The following article The World Of Big Data is republished from Hard Drive Recovery Group Blog via
The bitcoin business has reached unprecedented heights last year and has maintained its momentum until today. Everyone wanted to get a piece of these digital currencies that prices have soared to the ludicrously high prices that it still has right now. However, bitcoin mining is not that easy and it requires powerful computers in order to do so. Knowing how resourceful miners and hackers are, it no longer comes as a surprise that they were able to hack three computer servers at the University of Wisconsin to help them run their bitcoin mining malware. Cybersecurity is at an all-time high now that there have been various reports of miners hacking different sites and servers so they can anonymously mine these digital currencies while stealing computer power from these big brands and institutions. Mining bitcoins require too much computer power in order for them to complete and verify a blockchain or transaction record and get bitcoins from it after. With the growing popularity of digital currencies such as bitcoin and other alternative currencies, we should all be wary of more hacking attacks in all forms especially when browsing the web as these miners will do what it takes to make use of your device in their mining operation. Servers are prime targets as they can provide higher computing power than individual devices and consequently help spread the malware especially if individual users connect to these servers on a daily basis.
And it does not stop there even if servers remove this malware or botnets because they just look for another vulnerable server or device to hack and install more mining tools, especially on servers owned and ran by big organizations and businesses. And they’re not just mining bitcoins but relatively newer currencies such as zCash and Monero because they are more difficult to trace by law enforcement and thus more attractive to cybercriminals who makes use of these digital tenders the most than us average people.
(Via: Any device or server is at risk now whether it is used privately or in public. Countless reports on computer and server hacking proliferate in the web these days and they do so through various ways such as phishing. If you don’t trust where an email came from, avoid opening them or risk introducing a headache-inducing malware that will make your device mine bitcoins in a frenzy from spyware and worms working its way around your computer system. You know some as ransomware where the hackers will demand a ransom often in the form of bitcoins like what the Mecklenburg County government went through after an employee opened a random email that unleashed the malware havoc that surely left everyone in the office at a standstill as their devices are now infected of these high-tech worms. Instances like this will often leave your device useless, hence requiring you professional services like and in order to get your lost/stolen files back and establish a semblance of normalcy once more in your office or organization. The following article Random Servers For Bitcoin Mining Found is courtesy of via Kids don’t stand a chance against the dangers of excessive technology use yet they are also too young to decide on their own what they can and can’t handle when it comes to modern digital living. They may be surrounded by technology and it seems normal for them to live and breathe with it but that’s not what nature designed humans to be – to be slaves to the modern trinkets that give them pure enjoyment but at a high cost. For starters, these devices are expensive and they end up badgering their parents to buy them the latest gadgets so they can keep up with their peers. Second, they can access the web with it. The Internet may be helpful a lot of times but there are hidden dangers. Their smartphones give them the freedom to navigate the web on their own, often without parental guidance and this can be a scary thing on a lot of levels. Kids these days can usually be seen with a smartphone or a similar smart gadget on their hand most of the time. They are addicted to these devices and use it as much as adults do. They play games for hours on end and tinker with all the latest apps that promises them a boredom-free life. And because the world is highly becoming digital, we can only expect more of these gadgets to rise in the coming years, along with our children growing up. As early as now, many of today’s youth can no longer live without their smartphones and thrive in their own little virtual bubble where they can be whoever they want to be and portray a life unlike their own. If kid’s don’t learn how to deal with the presence of technology in their lives as early as they can, then they may have a hard time coping with life later on because one thing is for sure, modern technology is here to stay for good.
The very existence of technology has made our lives easier yet in a way also harder. We no longer have to work on things manually as before and we now have access to a wide-range of information at the tip of our fingers but it comes at a price especially for the young ones who still know so little of this world. We lose essential skills because of our over-reliance on machines to do things for us. Kids, for instance, develop poorer cognition because they are too preoccupied with their smartphones while browsing their various social media accounts day in and day out.
(Via: In as much as we care about the amount of time our children spend on their smartphones, we must also give attention to the types of materials they access on these devices especially on their own. It can give you an idea as to the types of dangers your children may be exposed to, so you’re not necessarily clueless about it and you can intervene at any given time. There is no doubt that smartphone has evolved to become an addiction and the best thing we can all do now is to put some limitations to your child’s smartphone use and most importantly make them understand why you are doing it. If you don’t, they may rebel and everything else backfires on you. Also, offer other interesting activities and hobbies they can pursue so their minds aren’t always thinking about their smartphones and the web when it can be avoided. Apart from smartphones, youngsters can also connect to the Internet through computers. If there’s one major headache from the use of PC, it has to be the technical glitches one may encounter when using one. The hard drive is the most susceptible and it can render your device unusable until you get the problem sorted out. Avoid so there is no need for you to deal with anytime soon. The Burgeoning Smartphone Addiction Shows No Signs Of Stopping is courtesy of via Mac PCs have the reputations of being classy, sturdy, and generally safe against cybercriminals. Very little incidents relating to cybersecurity issues have been recorded over the years in comparison to the multitude of problems plaguing the majority of Windows users. Well, gone were the days when Mac users can sleep soundly at night without the lingering fear of some nasty digital bug corrupting their device leaving them unable to access their most precious of files. Well, it wasn’t as if they were invincible in the first place. It’s just that the population of Mac users is far too small than that of Window users that cyber hackers don’t just think it’s worth their efforts after all. So yeah, a reality check for all you Mac users out there but these crooks finally figured it out and realized there is money in it for them too so better exploit it now than miss out on all the fun. The recent vulnerabilities discovered just strengthened everyone’s belief that all PC users are at risk of who knows what on the web. The problem is that the vulnerability discovered affects all chips powering these computers whether they are Windows or Mac PCs. So, imagine the disappointment among Mac users at the thought of having to deal with all these things after they have felt assured for years that Mac is relatively safe from most cyber attacks. Since the problem lies with the computer’s processor, all PCs don’t stand a chance and we’ve seen increasing incidents of both Windows and Mac PCs succumbing to Meltdown and Spectre.
Not only are Mac PCs at risk but even their iPhone line can also be infected by this nasty digital bug that is causing widespread panic among tech makers and users. It is easier for cybercriminals now to remotely hack your device, including your Mac PC, by the use of malware. We are not new to malware and various types of this bug have been the cause of frustration of many a computer users. However, we are seeing it more proliferated now and in different forms that they’ve finally managed to come up with something that can affect both spectrum of computer users: the Window users and those loyalists to the Apple Mac line.
It is high time Apple users face reality. They just need to level up the way they safeguard their device from potential hackers and to always be careful when browsing the web. Do not just easily open emails that look suspicious at first glance as they may introduce the bug to your system once opened. Simple things like this can go a long way when protecting yourself and your Mac PC from the dangers of cybercrimes. There is nothing we can do about this problem right now except to beef up our defences against these hackers since it can only be resolved until chip makers come up with an entirely new design of microprocessors that overcomes this existing vulnerability. The rise in malware attacks has left thousands unable to access their data. It has caused an increase in the need for data recovery services as not everyone has the presence of mind to regularly back up their files. If you’re a Mac user and you’ve suddenly found yourself devoid of your data after your device succumbed to either Meltdown or Spectre, you’ll find this one useful At times when the attack is more widespread like with most ransomware attacks as of late that affect servers of big organizations and institutions, may be your best bet to overcome this problem with the hopes of getting all your lost data back. The following post Your Mac Is No Longer Safe was originally published to via We all acknowledge this widely-accepted truth that the youth is the hope of our nation, of any nation actually. They are the ones who will soon lead the world and shape the future. And seeing how highly global and digital the world is fast becoming, it makes perfect sense to educate the kids to the ins and outs of the computing world so they don’t have a hard time digesting all these facts as they grow up. It’s not even challenging to do that anymore as you can see their genuine interest in these modern contrivances on their own. More often than not, these youngsters know their way on the web than their parents. This is a great indicator of the changing world we live in. It is very different from the environment most adults today grew up in. And knowing that this is the direction we are all taking, everyone should take computer literacy seriously and integrate this to the education system so manipulating these devices feels like second nature to the youth and they have the knowledge and skills they need to survive in the coming years of digital boom.
(Via: In different parts of the globe, institutions both private and public are taking initiatives in further educating the youth about digital technology. It is not that big of an issue now as devices are almost always available and the Internet is likewise accessible. Some are even conducted for free and targets some of the underprivileged children who have the potential and likewise show a genuine interest in learning more about tech advancements. With the popularity of the web and of social media, children are already exposed to technology at a young age and they often learn how to use it on their own but they still need formal education and practical application of technology in the real-life setting.
(Via: It is but a must to do this because computers already run the world today. In the next few years, we are expected to see more mind-blowing technologies to become our reality. We need the youth of today who are literally our future to have a good grasp of all these technologies because it will ultimately be their own reality. Children with the right set of skills are more globally-competitive and ready to face the modern challenges of our changing times. Along with what they need to learn is the background knowledge regarding possible problems they may encounter and troubleshooting steps they can do on their own to solve their problem/s. Unfortunately, it may not always work to your liking and some problems may persist despite your gallant efforts in fixing it. Find out how to overcome this problem here and choose from the different data recovery tools you may need and use when worst comes to worst. Hopefully, things will be better later on as digital awareness and computer literacy is at the forefront of 21st-century learning. Increasing Computer Literacy For The Young Ones is courtesy of via Many of us love technology and it is easy to see why. It lets you do a lot of things all at the same time and it has essentially bridged gaps and distances and made the world one cohesive living space regardless of where you live in the world. Entertainment-wise, many tech gadgets are proving to be a hit to the majority and one gadget after the other has been selling like hot pancakes for over a decade. If you think about the amount of money you have spent on these tech gizmos, you probably have lost count by now. Middle-aged adults these days have likely gone through all the phases of mobile technology and have used big bulky handsets of the 90s to staples from Nokia until the modern delights of smart technology that we continue to enjoy until today. While we love the comfort and convenience our smartphones offer us, we still can’t live without computers – as in actual computers. In reality, we are more dependent on it than ever as the world becomes more digital and invisibly connected. Most of our information is now in the form of data that are easily stored in various tech storage devices and is likewise shared with others through different online platforms. However, our joy is quickly replaced by stress and frustration once we encounter a tech difficulty especially if you have no prior tech knowledge. The blue screen of death is one of the dreaded problems of many computer users as it may mean you need to spend for a pricey service check or a replacement.
Rest assured it is completely understandable if you worry about seeing this awful blue screen on your computer. Tech experts themselves admit that this is one of the most complex issues they encounter as it takes a while for them to get it fixed since different factors can cause this issue. We are actually now seeing a rising occurrence of BSOD since Microsoft are dealing with more malware concerns that they tend to rush their patches in response to these cyber threats that inadvertently lead to BSOD.
(Via: We can’t be sure if it’s a blessing or a curse that Microsoft provided us with a list of stop codes to fix this blue screen since there are several hundred to choose from you literally have to try one stop code at a time to determine if it is the solution you are looking for. It does not help that today, a lot of anti-virus programs do not match with the current release of software updates and patches released by Microsoft. It is why you should always back up your data as your hard drive will likely be affected by this dreaded blue screen. You can’t always rely on your hard drive to safely store your data for safekeeping because any technical glitch can leave it rather useless. Keeping yourself up-to-date of these issues can help you navigate your way through this modern digital world we live in. can come in handy in case of a BSOD so you can save yourself from this but if necessary, do not hesitate to get your device checked by a professional rather than risk losing all your data because your device no longer works as it should be. 42c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d278642c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d2786postlink42c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d278642c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d2786 Read more on: HDRG via Can you imagine the anguish you may feel when you suddenly realize that all your beloved files are gone and never to be seen again? Whether it is from your phone or your computer, the threat of losing data is always there especially if you are not cautious about using your device. You may accidentally delete photos from your gallery or empty your recycle bin only to find out that your life depends on a folder you deleted last week. It really is a major problem especially if you don’t make it a habit to back up your files or you did not have the common sense to buy a backup storage device that can save you out of tricky situations such as this. If you have files stored in another device, then you won’t be that stressed whenever your phone or PC experience tech issues because you know you have the same exact file that is still intact and safe from harm. Well, if you have the means to buy one, having an external hard drive isn’t only nice to have but a must especially if you are someone who is fond of using the web or have lots of digital files that you need to be stored somewhere without having to constantly worry about it getting stolen or deleted for good. USB sticks are good enough although their storage capacity is far smaller than your usual hard drive, there are newer models that boasts of higher storage without costing as much as the traditional external hard drive sold in the market today. But if you have the cash, it makes perfect sense to invest in a superior quality storage device that can hold more data that can last you a long time.
(Via: Some of the factors you may want to look into when buying an external hard drive is storage amount, type of storage (HHD or SSD), operating system, and connection among others. You’ll have to know your preferences for these things first before even scouting the market for your external hard drive of choice. It will save you from headaches later on when you find out something about your device that you weren’t aware of or prepared for early on. But despite your hesitations, there is one thing that is clear, you need to get one if not for the peace of mind it can give you concerning your stored data that keeps on growing by the minute.
(Via: Whether you are online or offline, you can effortlessly access your files from your external hard drive because you do not need an Internet connection to do it. It’s just there, stored exactly where you left it. Moreover, you only have to pay for the device itself one time and no more recurring fees for your data storage unlike when you use cloud-based storage services that charge you depending on how much data you save and store in it for the month. Personally, individuals aren’t thrilled at the thought of having to add something to their bill each month since it is such a financial burden but it is not the case if you go with a physical external hard drive that you only pay for once – upon purchase. With an external hard drive, you lessen the stress you may experience once your device starts to malfunction because you know that the same data you have stored there is safely saved somewhere. But nevertheless, it helps to know about the following issues concerning hard drive use and because while external hard drives may save you from a data emergency, it is still vulnerable to bugs or physical damage if you don’t take care of it properly. 42c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d278642c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d2786postlink42c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d278642c07f7f4ed3da5e2b17ff80184aca1c09c0d2cc98cfc328fb1b32a3f56d2786 Find more on: HDRG via |
About usAffordably priced Irvine, CA area data recovery services provider. Specializing in Macs, Dell, HP and IBM RAID recovery and damaged hard drive recovery services. Also offers Mac and laptop data recovery, as well as all forms of physical and logical data recovery. Archives
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